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Lead & Copper


Neither our water source (7 wells) nor distribution system contains lead or copper. Lead may be present in private service lines which were plumbed with lead solder and/or lead containing fittings and fixtures. Lead found in tap water typically comes from corrosion of these older fixtures and from copper pipes containing lead solder.  If the water sits stagnant in these lines for several hours, the lead may leach into the water and potentially become consumed.​


If you are concerned about lead being in your water, the EPA recommends the following precautions:                                                                         

  • Flush your pipes before drinking: The more time water has been sitting in your home’s pipes, the more lead it may contain.                 

  • Any time water in a particular faucet sits for a period of time, flush the water through before consuming water from that faucet. This could take as little as five to thirty seconds if there has been recent heavy water use such as showering or toilet flushing. Otherwise, it could take two minutes or longer. Your water utility will inform you if longer flushing times are needed to respond to local conditions. 

  • Use only water from the cold-water tap for drinking, cooking, and especially for making baby formula. Hot water is likely to contain higher levels of lead. Run cold water until it becomes cold as it can get.                 

  • *Note that boiling water will NOT get rid of lead contamination.*

  • Use water filters or treatment devices: Many water filters and water treatment devices are certified by independent organizations for effective lead reduction. Devices that are not designed to remove lead will not work. Verify the claims of manufacturers by checking with independent certifying organizations that provide lists of treatment devices they have certified.


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